Thursday, May 28, 2009

Clan Trainers

The Clan Trainers are intended to take on some of the functions previously centralized to the ACC Staff, first and foremost being the training of new Initiates in the ACC. They are also intended to serve as a link between the ACC and the Clans. The requirements for and expectations of the Clan Trainer position will be outlined in this document.


• Proven skill and experience within the ACC. This will be provided via a link to at least one battle that the applicant has participated in, to be reviewed by the Combat Master and Deputy Combat Master. The reason for this is that since the Clan Trainers will be expected to provide guidance for new Initiates, their own expertise in the ACC must maintain a certain level in order to give proper instruction.
• Be qualified to participate in the ACC.
• Be willing and able to serve as a “first point of contact” within your Clan for any ACC-related questions that arise. This won’t be a replacement for people seeking information from the ACC Staff, but a more personal means for members to gain feedback on the ACC.
• Be approved by the Clan Summit, as the Clan Trainer will be as much a representative of their Clan to the ACC as vice versa.


• Complete training battles within their respective Clan on behalf of the ACC. This duty does not extend to qualification battles; these will be handled by the ACC Operators.
• Act as a “coach” for all levels of experience within their respective Clan.
• Act as a communication link between the Clan and the ACC. This means giving Clan members reminders of both the ACC’s general existence and activities, and providing feedback to the ACC from the Clans.
• Promote ACC activities within the Clans, whether as part of ACC-run events such as a Championship, Clan-based competitions or ACC-centred Vendetta events.

All applications for the position of Clan Trainer should be sent to myself (chromaticerinyes [at] gmail [dot] com) and to the Deputy Combat Master (Tsainetomo, sai [dot] keibatsu [at] gmail [dot] com). (Forgive the funky portrayal of the e-mail addresses, as I'm just trying to avoid spambots.) Once all applications are reviewed, they will be forwarded on to your Clan Summits for final vetting.

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